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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Monday, September 18, 2017

Radicalism challenges American tradition

By Herbert London  September 18, 2017

For news junkies, there is one consistent story at the moment: an ongoing and systematic attack on President Trump from without and within. On the outside is a web of the Fourth Estate, the Democratic Party, the Republican Establishment, the Academy and Corporate America that see in the president a threat to the prevailing left-wing cultural agenda.   On the inside are the reformers who by dint of influence persuaded the president to rid his staff of Trump partisans so that the administration is essentially anti-Trump in ideology and orientation...........Here is a Watermelon alliance (where the green is for Islam and the red is for communism) of Islamists and left-wing ideologues that recognizes their victory will come only after American ideals and political identity are destroyed.

The major tactic this alliance employs in cultural battle is reducing American groups to silos of sex, race, and class. Categorical rights, in the emerging scenario, will replace individual rights, even though this is manifestly in opposition to Constitutional principles..........The propaganda success of the left cannot be overemphasized. News cycles are in thrall to the Marxist agenda, without the slightest recognition of the ideological content. President Trump is routinely described as illegitimate and dishonest. Clearly his impulsive response to criticism often reinforces those judgments, but even without his defensive tweets, those claims are repeated so often that they appear to be incontrovertible.....Read more

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