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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Paradigms and Demographics For June 2015

By Rich Kozlovich

The month of June had some interesting twists regarding from which countries the most hits came from for Paradigms and Demographics. The top ten for June was United States, Ireland, Russia, Germany, India, Greece, France, Ukraine, Slovenia and Bulgaria.

I always find it interesting how countries with serious problems can all of a sudden surge into the top ten. I’m not quite sure why with the exception of Bulgaria. I was able to correlate the number of hits on fracking articles and Bulgarian hits. They started hitting over fracking and have stayed in the top ten ever since. It would appear there are a substantial number of people in Bulgaria that feel P and D has a unique perspective to offer.

I’m not sure what’s happening in Ireland, but I welcome their interest. China jumped into the top ten for a few days and then dropped off the radar again. At one point hits from China were growing so rapidly they went from not being on the chart to number two on the all time chart in less than 18 months. Some months back they dropped down to the point they didn’t even appear on the daily chart. I’m assuming there is a problem with the Chinese government blocking their access to the internet.
Isn't it interesting China is one of the countries that are trying to get the UN to take control of the internet to “protect the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet" and “is advancing a proposal to make a special committee of the U.N. General Assembly the dominant body to determine global Internet governance."  "Meanwhile, Russia has joined China in sponsoring an “international code of conduct for information security” at the U.N. that would authorize Internet censorship and enshrine multilateral state control of the global network.”

“Many countries, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil, will be advocating their vision of the Internet’s future at a major international conference at U.N. headquarters in New York at the end of 2015.”

Only a leftist could promote such blather and expect normal people to believe it’s a good thing. Yet that’s what’s being promoted by people in authority in the Obama administration. I often find it fascinating to see how so many insane people can worm their way into power.

India is number one on today’s top ten chart but alas, it would appear England has abandoned me, and although I know there are daily readers in Canada, both Canada and Australia don't seem much interested these days. However, there are a host of blogs from Australia I would be willing to bet their paying attention to such as Greenie Watch, Dissecting Leftism, both of which are published by Jon Jay Ray, and JoNova by Joanne Nova. You may wish to give them a look see.

Welcome to all and thanks for your interest.


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