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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Let’s Not Be So Open Minded Our Brains Fall Out!

By Rich Kozlovich

“This is not new — the Islamic State has called for the destruction of the pyramids and the Sphinx. The nose of the Sphinx was destroyed by Muslims because it was considered idolatrous, and they attempted to blow it up with explosives. Destroying the nose and/or eyes of an idol is considered in Islam to remove its idolatrous powers. Consequently there was the mutilation of the Sphinx and the removal of the eyes of Byzantine icons all over Eastern Europe. “

Okay, before we progress any further, let's see a show of hands! How many really care if the pyramids - all of them - and Sphinx are destroyed?

Some of my friends will be surprised when I say this, but – so what? Personally, I'm not in favor of this kind of needless destruction, but I didn’t get all worked up when the Aswan dam flooded over a bunch of archeological sites back in the 60’s because seemingly they had already learned as much as could be learned from them. That’s the only thing that disturbs me about any of this is the potential loss of our ability to learn the history surrounding these sites. But otherwise - who cares?

Should humans have been denied needed water in order to preserve sites honoring a failed pagan religio/political society where the Pharaoh was a living god and everyone except the political and religious elite were impoverished and enslaved supporting their ridiculous system? I don’t think so, but I remember the outrage the building of that dam generated in academia. In fact they spent untold amounts of money to dismantle many those sites and put them on higher ground. Are we supposed to believe moving these sites would enhance our ability to learn more about them? Possibly, but if so, just how much could they have learned and where is the startling new information that presumably should come from this effort? Otherwise – why bother and who cares?

Is there more to be learned from the Pyramids and the Sphinx? Who knows, but that isn’t what should concern humanity about this mentality. This is a clear demonstration of what happens when Islam comes into the picture. Of course the ancient Islamic states didn’t see the need to destroy these sites hundreds of years ago, but that’s immaterial. This is a clear demonstration of the overall mentality of Islam. They’re destroying museum pieces all over the world because they destroy anything that isn’t a part of Islam. It’s also their downfall because there is no such thing as pure Islam in Islam.

The different sects hate each other more than they hate non-Muslims because the opposing sects view each other as heretics. Nothing infuriates Muslims more, which is an important point because there are tons of amazingly small things that literally drive them into a crazed frenzy of murder and mayhem. Is it any wonder Muslim societies have not advanced culturally beyond medieval tribal societies, except now they have modern weapons and modern transportation?

Western liberals keep being so “open minded” about Muslims and Islam their brains have now completely fallen out of their heads. They just don’t seem to get the fact they will be the first casualties of any kind of Islamic take-over anywhere in the world. As for these self-hating Jews that are part of the pseudo-religion movement of the left who continue to condemn Jews, Judaism, and Israel – what do they think would happen to them if any of the Islamic sects took over western cultures?

Since they’re all leftists they hate capitalism and will support any system that attacks the paragon of capitalism and its allies - the United States.

They work unendingly to destroy the system that gave the world the only stable moral foundation in the world. A system based on Judaic/Christian principles, which was the fertilizer for the only economic system the world ever knew that was capable of bringing so many people out of misery squalor, suffering, disease and early death – American capitalism.

They want to “fundamentally” change the only place in the world where they could spout their inflammatory nonsense without being thrown into jail or worse. I know, I know, they could spout their claptrap in many western nations, but does anyone really believe this would be tolerated anywhere else if America’s Constitution system wasn’t such a dominant force in the world? A system they’re trying to overturn.

Historically we know the concepts they believe in, subscribe to - and demand all others believe it - are worldwide failures, whether it involves religion, economics or the environment. These are concepts so stupid only intellectuals could believe in them. Is it any wonder leftism, in all of its manifestations, are the movements so heavily infested with so many intellectuals?

They reject history - they reject all the evidence of their failures and the devastatingly negative outcomes their policies have inflicted on humanity, and continue to passionately and adamantly promote those concepts! We can only conclude one thing by way of explanation.

The left must truly be insane!



  1. sometimes I think we may all be insane, but this article is very sane!

  2. Thanks Frank. Good to hear from you!
