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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Thursday, April 3, 2014

As if the anti-vaccine nuts haven’t done enough damage—now pediatricians are joining the dark side?

April 2, 2014 by admin

As, the dark cloud that hovered over vaccines — mostly from damage done by fraudster Andrew Wakefield — slowly lifts, the last thing we need is to have actual doctors jumping back on the anti-vaccine bandwagon.  Yet, the always (oops, make that never) reliable Mother Jones (March 30th) somehow managed to dig up a group of pediatricians from California (big surprise) who are not quite following the recommended CDC vaccination schedules.  The group, called Pediatric Alternatives (and if you can find a bigger red flag than this, let us know) seems to think that they know better.

 The title, “My Interview With a Pediatrician Who Thinks Vaccines Are ‘Messing With Nature,’” by Kiera Butler, pretty much says it all.  A disgusted Dr. Josh Bloom says, “Here are some other things that ‘mess with nature’: Antibiotics, AIDS medications, insulin, general anesthesia, and birth control. Why not stop using these as well and go back to a time when, if you were lucky, you lived for 30 years, and then something ate you.”   Yet, according to the article, in this group, “ A little less than 20 percent of the families the practice treats choose not to vaccinate at all. The rest use a modified vaccine schedule.”…..To Read More….
My Take - These people have made loving parents irrationally concerned for their children's health and life over vaccinations.  They’re now afraid to take the necessary steps to truly protect them, in spite of 218 years of scientific history - from the first vaccinations for small pox - showing how vital vaccinations are to save lives, especially child mortality. When their children start dying what will assuage their emotional pain? When children start dying who will be responsible? When children start dying will these Hollywood loons or these corrupt doctors have to pay the penalty for being not only wrong, but deadly wrong? No! It's never the public who pays the penalty - its society who pays, and so very often that payment has been death!   And not a one of these loons will be charged with murder. 

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